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Sand Water Sculptures in a Jar!

Sand Magic!

For this project, I tied in a science lesson about hydrophobic/hydrophilic substances!

Time: 1.5 hours (to allow treated sand to dry. Have other activity on hand)


  • colored sandbox or craft sand (finer sands work best)

  • fabric protector spray (e.g. Guardsman)

  • parchment paper or aluminum foil

  • glass vase or mason jar

  • stickers and markers to decorate vase/jar

  • water

  • small cups


1. On parchment paper, place piles of sand (keeping different colors separated). I suggest doing this outside in a sunny area (if possible).

2. Spray a thick, heavy coat of fabric protector spray onto each pile of sand. The sand should be wet. Using hands, mix the sand with the spray so that it is evenly wet.

3. Leave the sand out in the sun to dry. If given enough time, I recommend doing a second coat of fabric protectant spray after it has dried the first time.

4. While the sand is drying, let the kids decorate their mason jars with stickers and markers. Jewel stickers for bedazzling are always a hit!

5. Fill the mason jar full with water.

6. Once the sand is dry, separate each color into a separate cup.

7. Poor the sand into the mason jar, and watch the magic happen!

Lessons Learned

This needs to be done on a hot, sunny day! This should be no issue if done at the B&G Club over summer. The activity works best if the sand is able to be covered with fabric protectant spray several times after drying. Overall, this project was a huge success and not difficult at all for this age group. Make sure you supervise when allowing them to spray their own sand.


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